Tools make me happy!


Originally from Saskatoon, SK the trades was not my intended career path. Though I did use carpentry to pay my way through a 4 year (yet still incomplete) Bachelor of Arts degree that now goes unused, I never thought of skilled trades as a viable career (a not uncommon view perpetuated by the education system).

After bouncing through a few desk jobs without finding or feeling successful, I took what I thought would be a temporary framing gig. The feeling of accomplishment at the end of each day coupled with a continuation of learning new tasks and techniques quickly solidified my career path in the trades.

I strongly believe it is a disservice to the next generation not to offer or present the trades as a career. Over the last couple of years I have been using the social channels to spread and inspire a new message about the trades; you can be successful, it is a viable career, it is extremely rewarding.


The carpentry life chose me…